What a Festival!

30 Oct

I couldn’t let another day go by without posting some of my thoughts on the 2014 High Falls Film Festival. And what a festival it was!

The programming committee spent countless hours screening all of the films that were submitted via Without-A-Box and Festival Freeway. I am not sure exactly how many films were submitted, but I can say that there were a LOT!

Johannes Bockwoldt took on the programming for the 2 Short Film Programs, and everyone who attended those screenings expressed their appreciation after the program.

“Cyber Seniors” was selected Best Documentary by the festival audience, and THE PARK BENCH took home the honors as Best Narrative.

Elaine Madsen’s Documentary “I Know A Woman Like That” was a standout as well, screening twice during the festival, and Elaine was present for the follow up Q and A.

The parties were exciting, including a Craft Beer Tasting at the Century Club, following a film titled “Crafting A Nation”.

I can’t end this post without mentioning a screening that was sponsored by DeBergerac Productions. Mike Champlin shared his restoration (from nitrate) of FLY LOW JACK AND THE GAME. Filmed in 1927, written and directed by Marion Gleason, a friend and confidante of George Eastman. Marion truly was one of the first female filmmakers.

At the High Falls Film Festival, we’re on a mission to celebrate the achievements of women in all aspects of filmmaking by showing the best independent films created by female cinematic artists.

See you all in 2015!