I have no idea how so much time has passed since the last time I posted news on the ROC Film Commission blog. The weather finally cooperated, and it was almost as if someone fired the starter’s pistol for productions to get underway.
We have been keeping very busy here at the Film Commission. Out of town productions have been been keeping the phone lines busy, and local production is humming along too.
It was nice to have a few winter features at the beginning of the year. If a film needed snow and cold for their atmosphere, we were certainly able to accommodate them this year.
Kerstin Karlhuber and her cast and crew took full advantage of our region’s locations for their filming destination. The Film Commission was able to host Gregory Harrison, Lily Harrison, Tom Malloy and Lisa Varga for dinner at 2 Vine.
A few weeks later, Michael Grant, Dale Wade Davis, Tom Malloy and Lily Harrison joined us for a tour of the George Eastman House, with a very special tour provided by Deborah Stoiber. The George Eastman House is a favorite stop for visiting filmmakers. Getting a look in to the life of George Eastman and the role that he played in the evolution of the film industry was an expereince that our guests will never forget. “It was like a baseball fan going to Cooperstown” was one analogy that I heard that day.
Michael Grant spent part of his day off at the Strong National Museum of Play. He hung out on Sesame Street, walked through the history of video games and even cheked out the Wegman’s experience….shopping, checking out and restocking the shelves.
The Rochester/Finger Lakes Film Commission has a very simple motto; make it easier for productions to shoot here, make them feel at home while they are here. They will be back; and they will tell all of their filmmaking friends to bring their productions here too!