As first point of contact for films that select Rochester/Finger Lakes regions for their locations destination, we are held to a tight confidentiality agreement. We are limited with respect to the information that we are authorized to disclose about productions; including locations, cast, crew, budget, shoot dates….
Some films come to town with code names; aliases if you will, to avoid attracting attention. You see, attention is something that hinders the production process. “Looky loos” or maybe a better term is “film set stalkers” are a nuisance and can at times mess with the shoot day schedule. And as any film producer will tell you, time is money.
Simple math here; a 20 day shoot with a 30 minute delay each day = 600 minutes that nothing was being accomplished. That adds up to one whole day. One whole day in which not a single frame of film was exposed. You DO remember film right? (For you new filmmakers, not a single zero or 1.) One whole day of paying for labor, camera, grip gear, props……and nothing to show for it
Now you can understand why we do not disclose any information about productions that shoot here, until after they have wrapped.
Karl and I utilize our stealth capabilities to assist with support service and infrastructure information, work with the permit office and any other entities that the producers need in order to complete their work here, and every project’s needs are different. We count on the integrity of the individuals that we work with to maintain the same code of silence….and when that code is broken, we can ALWAYS trace it back to the origin.
Maybe a certain person has a relationship with a journalist, or sometimes it’s just someone who wants to appear to know more than they actually know.
In other words, if the story leaks, you can be sure it was not someone from the film office who blabbed… have our word on that.